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PMI COC Agile Conflict Resolution


Agile Conflict Resolution
Thursday, July 22, 2021
2:00-3:00 EST

Join the PMI North Ohio Chapter as I lead a discussion about conflict resolution on Agile teams.  After attending you will understand conflict that is good and conflict that is bad and what you can do to ensure that team conflict results in collaboration and creative problem solving.  You will discover the secret formula that will shift distance, disagreement, and disparity into a unified, highly productive team.

Previous Events

Agile Project Management PM Rockstar Summit

Agile Project Management

PM Rockstar Summit

On Saturday, June 19, Bernadette presented Agile Conflict Management at the Project Management Rockstar Summit.  This is an annual event, organized by Richard Junod.  

Other topics included:  Seven Keys to Being a Project Management Rock Star, The Importance of Psychological Safety and Teamwork in the Digital Age, Adaptive Leadership, Ready Set Change, How to Get Your Next (or First) Project Manager Job, How to Stay Relevant as a Project Manager, and Upgrading Agile PM Skills Without Spending Hardly Any Money.  

The Path to Career Reinvention Webinar Interview with John Hadley

The Path to Career Reinvention

Webinar Interview with John Hadley

“Freedom is a path you choose every day” 
~ James Altucher

On Friday, June 18, I had a great conversation with my good friend and Career Coach, John Hadley, as a guest on his “Path to Career Reinvention” webinar series.   We had a great conversation about transitioning, reinventing, and completing projects that light your heart on fire.    If you need a nudge to get out of your comfort zone or if you want strategies to become the best possible you, I invite you to watch the replay.