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Clear, Confident, Collaborative
Project Management 

Leveraging the Science of
Human Dynamics 

For Fearless Successful
Project Delivery

“Coaching is the most powerful force for change in the world.” 

~ Christian Michelsen

Become Fearless!


If you want your team to win the NFL title, hire a coach like Steve Owen.

If you want your gymnastics team to win the Olympic Gold, hire coach, Bela Karolyi.

If you want to successfully deliver every project, hire Bernadette Donnelly,
Fearless Project Management coach.


Discover how to transition from a good Project Manager to a great leader in one Session. You will come away with:

  • Crystal clear vision of ultimate stress free enlightened, powerful project success
  • Hidden obstacles that block your path to and how to navigate past them.
  • Your unique, 5-part plan that will direct your efforts as you steadily move towards your goal.
  • will map your journey to your goals.
  • Get recharged and inspired to move from stress and struggle to freedom, personal accomplishment, and successful project delivery.

For a limited time, your introductory Project Success Session
is FREE, so schedule now!

Schedule Now
Bernadette Donnelly

About Bernadette

Hello, I am Bernadette Donnelly, a certified Project Management Professional; a speaker; a published, non-fiction author, and a Business Coach.  My goal is to support Project Managers and business professionals as they lead their projects to success.   I use proven techniques that shift mental attitudes and result in success in every area of life.  Here are my credentials:

  • Project Management Professional
  • M.S. Organizational Psychology
  • Organizational Change Management Certification
  • Business Coach Certification and Training
  • Neurolinguistic Programming Master Practitioner