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Book Blog

Follow my journey as I go

from idea to published book.

My Why

Throughout my working life, I have written hundreds of documents, including marketing sheets, training manuals, user guides, and full length texts complete with index, tables of contents, and covers.   In 2017, when my corporate career ended, I decided to write the book I had been thinking about for about 15 years.   I blocked out time every day, planned my approach, wrote, revised, edited, and published the first book under my name on Amazon.   Along the way, I learned many things that anyone else who is planning to write should know. 

As I work through the process of planning, writing, and launching my next book, I will blog each step so you can successfully publish your next (or first) book while avoiding the pitfalls along the way.  I hope to publish weekly, so check back often.

Bernadette Donnelly, M.S., PMP, CAL