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  1. Betty Flanagin Boswell
    August 20, 2020 @ 5:26 pm

    I never thought about the fact that they went through those terrible times and then came home with no tools to cope with the adjustment. I really didn’t understand or appreciate what they went through, as a lot of veterans didn’t discuss their experiences, and we were just children. They didn’t complain and just went about their lives, so happy to just be home again with their loved ones. You’re going to make me cry. Your parents’ wedding picture is lovely, my Aunt Ann and Uncle Bill!

    • FPM Admin
      August 20, 2020 @ 5:33 pm

      Thank you, Betty,
      I didn’t understand either. Not until I started coaching on how we can improve through the understanding of neuroscience and human dynamics. When we train our brain for war, we have to break the habit to feel love, joy, and play. I still have a tough time with play, but I’m working on it!
